The address for Charlie Elliott is 543 Elliott Trail ~ Mansfield, GA 30055 (for those of you that will be using a GPS navigation system)
The phone number in the office is: 770-784-3059
The crop room phone number to give your families is:
Dining Hall 770-784-3191
Navigate yourself to I-20 headed east toward Augusta
Exit #98 Highway 11
Turn right off the expressway ~ follow Hwy 11 thru the little town of Mansfield (approximately 11 miles)
Left on Marbin Farms Road (Stone Charlie Elliott sign)
Right on Elliott Trail
Pass the main buildings on the left
The second set of buildings on the left will be Sheppard Hall and Hotel Lodge Rooms
Continue straight ahead and the Dining Hall will be the last building of the complex
Feel free to call your consultants cell phone if you get lost!
The phone number in the office is: 770-784-3059
The crop room phone number to give your families is:
Dining Hall 770-784-3191
Navigate yourself to I-20 headed east toward Augusta
Exit #98 Highway 11
Turn right off the expressway ~ follow Hwy 11 thru the little town of Mansfield (approximately 11 miles)
Left on Marbin Farms Road (Stone Charlie Elliott sign)
Right on Elliott Trail
Pass the main buildings on the left
The second set of buildings on the left will be Sheppard Hall and Hotel Lodge Rooms
Continue straight ahead and the Dining Hall will be the last building of the complex
Feel free to call your consultants cell phone if you get lost!