We highly suggest that you plan and bring several projects that you can work on while at the retreat. Having several projects available to you will allow you to switch between projects if you get tired of one, you can switch to another, or if you finish one, you can work on another. Pre-planning on your part will allow you to use the time while you are away at our retreat to its fullest! We suggest that you choose your projects, collect all the photos, memorabilia and supplies that you will need for that project. Next power layout your project using a Power Layout Box. This is a technique where you use the Power Layout Guides and "plan" or "layout" your album. If you would like instruction on Power Layout - please contact your consultant and she will be glad to help you. It saves time and energy while you are at the retreat and will allow you to get the most done on a particular album project and not have to lug every scrapbook supply that you own with you.
So the rationale is that if you plan your projects and bring only the supplies and tools that you need for those projects ~ your load will be lighter and you won't have to bring everything you own