Each participant will be provided with your own 8 foot table (yes, I did say 8 feet) for cropping. We will be cropping in the Dining Hall in Feb & Sept and in Sheppard Hall for summer retreats. Most of the extra things that you may want to bring are purely for your comfort and desires. If you are cold natured, please bring layered clothing that you can add or remove layers to suit your comfort. You will also need to bring your beverages for the weekend and a cooler (you may replenish your cooler ice from the ice machine) You may also bring any snacks that you wish to have over the weekend. We will be providing some snacks and chocolate.
Here is the suggested list:
- A beverage cup with a lid (prevent spillage on your table) ~ Your CM Sidekick to attach to the table that holds your beverage and has a trash can.
- the Dining Hall & Sheppard Hall do have Wifi ~ so bring your laptop for surfing and digital scrapbooking if you desire!
- chair pad for long hours of sitting and extra lighting if you wish. Remember to bring extension cords if you bring anything that needs a plug! *Limit 3 items to be plugged in !
- Cell phone coverage is somewhat limited at Charlie Elliott because of the remote location. Most of us got cell coverage by walking outside in the parking lot. As of Jan 2011 they have updated and got an extender installed that covers Verison and ATT - so cell coverage should be better if you have one of those carriers!
- We will not be providing music in the Dining Hall because there is no sound system there. You will need to bring your own music listening device and HEADPHONES ! ! ! !
- Don't forget your Camera! You will want to take photos throughout the weekend for your "Retreat Album" ! We will be taking a group photo on Saturday after lunch.